We are happy to announce the release of a new ROS package, adi_driver!
This is a driver package for ADI (Analog Devices Inc.) sensors. Currently, it supports ADIS16470 and ADXL345 (experimental).
The ADIS16470 is a brand new product of IMU incorporating 3 axis gyro sensor and 3 axis acceleration sensor. It has remarkably very wide measuring range. The range of angular velocity is ± 2000 [deg / sec] and the range of acceleration is ± 40 [g]. This is enough performance for various robots such as wheeled mobile robots, drone and manipulators.
The price of the sensor alone is $ 199 and the price of the breakout board is 299 dollars. For details, please see the product page.
If you prepare a sensor breakout board and a USB-SPI converter (USB-ISS), you can easily use 3-dimensional posture information with this package. For detailed instructions , please refer to the document on GitHub . If you encounter problems, please report at Issues .
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