Tag Archive ROS,ROSCon

ByRyosuke Tajima

We participated in ROSCon2017, Vancouver!

We took part in ROSCon2017, held in Vancouver in September 21 and 22!

Scenes from the Vancouver Convention Center

ROSCon is a meeting for the exchange of information once a year, by gathered people involved in ROS in a variety of positions such as users, developers, universities, companies. 

Dr. Brian Gerkey opened the session

TORK did not sign up for the presentation in advance, however, we were able to report our activities in the three minutes lightning talk.

TORK reported on our new packages

There were many presentations from very wide variety of countries and organizations on new robots, new devices, robotics research and development. In addition, this time we could hear many topics of ROS2.

It is anyway so fun conference for developers and users of ROS, why not consider the participation of the future. The venue and the schedule for next year has not yet been determined but should coming soon.