TORK to appear at ROS Kong 2014TORK は香港でのワークショップ “ROS Kong 2014” に参加します

著者:Isaac Saito

TORK to appear at ROS Kong 2014TORK は香港でのワークショップ “ROS Kong 2014” に参加します

On top of any community socializing events that have been recently announced in ROS community, ROSCon is the one officially organized by the maintainer of ROS, OSRF, and has been the most attractive force for the last two years since its first occurrence. Now this year it comes to Asia for the very first time, in Hong Kong!

Among all the guests speakers coming around Asia-Pacific region including Korea, Australia, Hong Kong and two from Japan, an associate professor at University of Tokyo and our CTO Kei Okada is honorably giving an opening speech at a one-day event. Here’s an abstract excepted from

Hope to see you there!


Open Source Robotics at JSK/Tokyo

Kei Okada

Robotics, specially Humanoids research requires long-term vision and efforts due to it’s complexity and synthesis. This talk will show research history on humanoid robots last 20 years at JSK/U-Tokyo and discuss how we have been integrating and maintaining integrated humanoid software over different generation of both students and robots. Rapid-prototyping and contentious-development is the key of these environment and how these features are utilized in national/international projects and challenges. From this perspective, emergence of opensource robotics had great impact since we already had great deal of in-house software resources and had to cope with how to fuse and connect existing internal software and external open software. I’ll not only explain strategy to this integration but also show our automatic translation system of different software component. Lastly, I’ll explain our effort on commercializing our software in Tokyo to expand open robotics software not only academia but also robotic industries.

(Image referring to

過去二年間,ロボティクスの国際学会 ICRA の直後に開催されてきた ROS 開発者・ユーザの祭典 ROSCon ですが,今年は遂にアジアで初めて,香港での開催となりました!

それに伴ってか少し趣旨変わり,これまで二日間だったのが一日間となり,名称もこのようになりました.ROS コミュニティのアジアでの勃興を意識してなのか,ゲストスピーカーも韓国,豪州そして地元香港から一名,そして日本から二名と環太平洋勢となりました.そんな中,東京大学准教授・当社代表理事の岡田慧がオープニングのスピーチをさせて頂くことになりました に掲載されたアブストラクトを以下に引用します.


Open Source Robotics at JSK/Tokyo

Kei Okada

Robotics, specially Humanoids research requires long-term vision and efforts due to it’s complexity and synthesis. This talk will show research history on humanoid robots last 20 years at JSK/U-Tokyo and discuss how we have been integrating and maintaining integrated humanoid software over different generation of both students and robots. Rapid-prototyping and contentious-development is the key of these environment and how these features are utilized in national/international projects and challenges. From this perspective, emergence of opensource robotics had great impact since we already had great deal of in-house software resources and had to cope with how to fuse and connect existing internal software and external open software. I’ll not only explain strategy to this integration but also show our automatic translation system of different software component. Lastly, I’ll explain our effort on commercializing our software in Tokyo to expand open robotics software not only academia but also robotic industries.


それにしても Kong という名称になっても ROS の場合はどこに行こうがやはりカメのようです.日本人だとキングコングや,往年の TV ドラマ “特攻野郎 A チーム”などを想起してしまう方もおられると思いますが (私はそうでした.歳がばれる?).

(Image referring to

TORK Adds Another ROS wiki Mirror
Free ROS seminar for business users企業様向け無償 ROS セミナー開催のお知らせ


Isaac Saito subscriber