TORK on newly published Nikkei Robotics magazines日経ロボティクス誌で ROS 連載させて頂いています

著者:Isaac Saito

TORK on newly published Nikkei Robotics magazines日経ロボティクス誌で ROS 連載させて頂いています

Nikkei BP, a leading business newspaper and magazine media company, celebrated its inaugural publishment of monthly magazine “Nikkei Robotics” in July 2015. Our co-founder Isaac contributes series of articles about ROS (Robot Operating System).

With a rising need and interest toward robotics solution in global economy, we’ve seen recently the amount of technical information about opensource robotics in Japanese has increased a great bit. With the magazine articles this time, we aim to inrtoduce the status quo of what’s going on in opensource robotics and how big the impact the opensource technology is giving to the robotics development, especially in the large scale projects, so that corporate readers can hopefully get some idea of how they can integrate opensource into their robotics product development.

Although the article is only in Japanese as far as we know, we appreciate any feedback, requests about this (info[a–t] You can make a purchase request from Nikkei BP’s official web site from the link above.

日経 BP 社より今月創刊された月刊誌”日経ロボティクス“の中で,理事・斉藤が ROS (Robot Operating System) を紹介する記事を書かせて頂いています.
ご感想や今後の記事への御要望等をお聞かせ願えれば幸いです (info[a–t]購入ご希望等日経ロボティクス誌に関するお問合せは上記の同誌リンクから行って下さるようお願い致します.

講演のお知らせ;ロボット工学セミナー第94回 ロボット用オープンソースソフトウェアとその実用例 (2015/09/11)
ROS Workshop seats available (introductory and intermediate-manipulation) (Jul, 2015)ROS Workshop 初級・中級マニピュレーション編が急遽開催決定 (2015年7月)


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