タグアーカイブ OSS

著者:Yumiko Suzuki

ROS Workshop Schedule, from February to March 20172017年2月-3月のROSワークショップ日程

Here are the schedule of our ROS workshop series during the first three months of 2017!

Feb. 22 Wed 13:30- Introductory
Mar. 02 Thu 13:30- Introductory
Mar. 16 Thu 13:30- Introductory
Mar. 22 Wed 13:30- Introductory
Mar. 29 Wed 13:30- Introductory

Venue: Hongo, Tokyo

Inquiries: info[at]opensource-robotics.tokyo.jp


2月22日(水)13:30~ ROSワークショップ初級編
3月02日(木)13:30~ ROSワークショップ初級編
3月16日(木)13:30~ ROSワークショップ初級編
3月22日(水)13:30~ ROSワークショップ初級編
3月29日(水)13:30~ ROSワークショップ初級編






著者:Kei Okada

How to Ask Question質問の仕方



  $ rviz


  $ roslaunch urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro



  $ tar -cvzf my_package.tgz ./src


また,添付ファイルを使えないようなメール,掲示板の場合は,ソースコード一式をGitHubにアップロードする方法もよく使われます.GitHubが初めての場合は,http://qiita.com/dev-neko/items/28ac253ea295ad6c2b73 などが参考になるでしょう.



roslaunchを使ってプログラムを立ち上げた場合,以下のようにlogging to..というメッセージが紹介されます.

  $ roslaunch urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro
  ... logging to /home/tork-a/.ros/log/abfd7cb2-b476-11e6-907c-e4a7a00bd84e/roslaunch-ubuntu-14449.log

このとき,/home/tork-a/.ros/log/abfd7cb2-b476-11e6-907c-e4a7a00bd84e/ にあるファイルを全て提出すれば,質問された人も何が起こっているか理解することができます.
また,最新のログファイルは常に~/.los/log/latest/ から参照できるようになっています.
上記の様にtarコマンドで圧縮ファイルを生成してもよいですし,最近はテキストファイルのアップロード場所として gist.github.com もよく利用されます.
gist が初めての場合は http://tyoshikawa1106.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/04/10/000026 などが参考になるでしょう.


  $ rviz 2&>1 > rviz.log


  $ unbuffer rviz 2&>1 | tee rviz.log

unbufferを付けないと,rvizの出力がバッファされてなかなか表示されません.unbufferがインストールされていない場合は,`sudo apt-get install expect-dev` として下さい.


  $ roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro


  $ roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro 2>&1 urdf.log


  $ unbuffer roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro 2>&1 | tee urdf.log




Today, we’ll show some tips on how to ask question on mailing list or message board. If you are beginner and asked question, sometimes you’re required to provide more information. So most of cases, we believe people have trouble because they do know to know how to ask question. One criteria is “Do you provide enough information that others can RE-PRODUCE your problem”. Let’s see some examples.

If you’re using general program, which someone may using. Information such as

  I executed rviz program by
  $ rviz


  I typed as follows
  $ roslaunch urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro

enable others reproduce your situation.

If you’re using a program that no other people is using, you can create compressed files as running following command at catkin workspace and attach your question e-mails.

  $ tar -cvzf my_package.tgz ./src

If you’re asking to the mailing list or board which can not use attached file, a common way is to upload a entire source code to GitHub, if you are not familiar with GitHub, http://qiita.com/dev-neko/items/28ac253ea295ad6c2b73 may help.

If your code contains non-disclosed information and does not allow to upload on public place, you can re-define the problem without private information and upload that pgram. Or, you may ask for professional consultants as us.

Sometimes, the problem can be solved by looking at output log of the program, without re-produce the situation. In this case, it is very important not to edit your self by judging this part is important and this part is not, but to put entire log information.

To get output log of ROS program has several ways.

If you started your programs with roslaunch, you can find `logging to..` message as follows

  $ roslaunch urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro
  ... logging to /home/tork-a/.ros/log/abfd7cb2-b476-11e6-907c-e4a7a00bd84e/roslaunch-ubuntu-14449.log

Then, if you provide all files under /home/tork-a/.ros/log/abfd7cb2-b476-11e6-907c-e4a7a00bd84e/ directory, people who questions also understand what exactly going one. You may find latest logfile from ~/.los/log/latest/
You may use tar command as we described earlier or gist.github.com is widely used recent days as a public textfile upload service.
If you haven’t used gist, you can refer http://tyoshikawa1106.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/04/10/000026

Other way is to run command like

  $ rviz 2&>1 > rviz.log

to output both standard output and error to files. In this command all information is redirected to the file and no message appeared to the file. tee command will split input information into both standard output and file

  $ unbuffer rviz 2&>1 | tee rviz.log

without unbuffer command, rviz output is buffered and there is delay in the message. If you do not have unbuffer command, try`sudo apt-get install expect-dev`.

sometimes roslaunch do not outputs standard output information of each node, to enable this,use –screen option as follows.

  $ roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro

To create log file, you can use

  $ roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro 2>&1 urdf.log


  $ unbuffer roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro 2>&1 | tee urdf.log

Sometimes people hesitate to attach large text files or information, but without that information, we can not solve your problem. So everyone need huge information.

Whenever you ask someting, please keep in your mind that “Does other people can reproduce your program?” “Did you provide enough information that equivalent to reproduce your program” and attach enough information with your question.

著者:Isaac Saito

catkin-tools – our OSS contribution pt.2 catkin-tools 便利機能に貢献しました その二

Following our previous post about a nice hidden tip for catkin-tools, here’s another one.

When finishes compilation, `catkin build` shows a pop-up window at the top-right on your screen (if you’re on Ubuntu Linux), which indicates `Build Finished` or `Build Failed`. This is nice in that you can work on another windows without payting attention to catkin’s progress. Caveat is, though, that “Finished” and “Failed” aren’t that obviously differentiating whatsoever.

With the newer version of catkin-tools, 0.4.3 or higher, the window pops up with a distinguishable colors; Green for success and red for failure.

This little but significantly effective change is done by our TORK associates again. The change was made swiftly and neatly as it has always been in the opensource software community.

先日ROS の非公式ビルド/コンパイルツールである catkin-tools について便利な技を紹介しましたが,今日ももうひとつ便利機能を紹介します.

`catkin build` を実行してコンパイルしたあと,ディスプレイの右上に `Build Finished` または `Build Failed` というポップアップウィンドウが表示されますね.これで,catkin-tools を実行しているターミナルで以外のウィンドウで作業していても,コンパイルが終わったことを瞬時に知ることができます.でも,これ,英語に慣れていないと,Finished (終了,正常) なのか Failed (失敗) なのかを瞬時に把握するのが難しいですよね.いや,英語に慣れていても紛らわしいですかね.

そこで catkin-tools のバージョン 0.4.3 からは,成功していたら緑色,失敗していたら赤色のアイコンが表示されるように改善されました.

ちなみにこれも TORK 関係者のプルリクエスト (変更案の提供) によるものでした.こういう小さい改良を根気よく皆で続けることがオープンソースの強みですね.

UPDATE 1/6/2017 catkin_tools 0.4.3 がやっとリリースされ,ここで取り上げている機能が使えるようになりました.記事先行してしまいお待たせしていたら失礼しました.

