$ rviz と打ち込み,rvizを実行しました
$ roslaunch urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro と打ち込みました.
$ tar -cvzf my_package.tgz ./src
また,添付ファイルを使えないようなメール,掲示板の場合は,ソースコード一式をGitHubにアップロードする方法もよく使われます.GitHubが初めての場合は,http://qiita.com/dev-neko/items/28ac253ea295ad6c2b73 などが参考になるでしょう.
roslaunchを使ってプログラムを立ち上げた場合,以下のようにlogging to..というメッセージが紹介されます.
$ roslaunch urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro ... logging to /home/tork-a/.ros/log/abfd7cb2-b476-11e6-907c-e4a7a00bd84e/roslaunch-ubuntu-14449.log
このとき,/home/tork-a/.ros/log/abfd7cb2-b476-11e6-907c-e4a7a00bd84e/ にあるファイルを全て提出すれば,質問された人も何が起こっているか理解することができます.
また,最新のログファイルは常に~/.los/log/latest/ から参照できるようになっています.
上記の様にtarコマンドで圧縮ファイルを生成してもよいですし,最近はテキストファイルのアップロード場所として gist.github.com もよく利用されます.
gist が初めての場合は http://tyoshikawa1106.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/04/10/000026 などが参考になるでしょう.
$ rviz 2&>1 > rviz.log
$ unbuffer rviz 2&>1 | tee rviz.log
unbufferを付けないと,rvizの出力がバッファされてなかなか表示されません.unbufferがインストールされていない場合は,`sudo apt-get install expect-dev` として下さい.
$ roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro
$ roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro 2>&1 urdf.log
$ unbuffer roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro 2>&1 | tee urdf.log
Today, we’ll show some tips on how to ask question on mailing list or message board. If you are beginner and asked question, sometimes you’re required to provide more information. So most of cases, we believe people have trouble because they do know to know how to ask question. One criteria is “Do you provide enough information that others can RE-PRODUCE your problem”. Let’s see some examples.
If you’re using general program, which someone may using. Information such as
I executed rviz program by $ rviz
I typed as follows $ roslaunch urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro
enable others reproduce your situation.
If you’re using a program that no other people is using, you can create compressed files as running following command at catkin workspace and attach your question e-mails.
$ tar -cvzf my_package.tgz ./src
If you’re asking to the mailing list or board which can not use attached file, a common way is to upload a entire source code to GitHub, if you are not familiar with GitHub, http://qiita.com/dev-neko/items/28ac253ea295ad6c2b73 may help.
If your code contains non-disclosed information and does not allow to upload on public place, you can re-define the problem without private information and upload that pgram. Or, you may ask for professional consultants as us.
Sometimes, the problem can be solved by looking at output log of the program, without re-produce the situation. In this case, it is very important not to edit your self by judging this part is important and this part is not, but to put entire log information.
To get output log of ROS program has several ways.
If you started your programs with roslaunch, you can find `logging to..` message as follows
$ roslaunch urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro ... logging to /home/tork-a/.ros/log/abfd7cb2-b476-11e6-907c-e4a7a00bd84e/roslaunch-ubuntu-14449.log
Then, if you provide all files under /home/tork-a/.ros/log/abfd7cb2-b476-11e6-907c-e4a7a00bd84e/ directory, people who questions also understand what exactly going one. You may find latest logfile from ~/.los/log/latest/
You may use tar command as we described earlier or gist.github.com is widely used recent days as a public textfile upload service.
If you haven’t used gist, you can refer http://tyoshikawa1106.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/04/10/000026
Other way is to run command like
$ rviz 2&>1 > rviz.log
to output both standard output and error to files. In this command all information is redirected to the file and no message appeared to the file. tee command will split input information into both standard output and file
$ unbuffer rviz 2&>1 | tee rviz.log
without unbuffer command, rviz output is buffered and there is delay in the message. If you do not have unbuffer command, try`sudo apt-get install expect-dev`.
sometimes roslaunch do not outputs standard output information of each node, to enable this,use –screen option as follows.
$ roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro
To create log file, you can use
$ roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro 2>&1 urdf.log
$ unbuffer roslaunch --screen urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=`rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro 2>&1 | tee urdf.log
Sometimes people hesitate to attach large text files or information, but without that information, we can not solve your problem. So everyone need huge information.
Whenever you ask someting, please keep in your mind that “Does other people can reproduce your program?” “Did you provide enough information that equivalent to reproduce your program” and attach enough information with your question.
import moveit_msgs.msg plan = rarm.plan() print("visualize plan") display_trajectory = moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory() display_trajectory.trajectory_start = robot.get_current_state() display_trajectory.trajectory.append(plan) display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=10) display_trajectory_publisher.publish(display_trajectory) raw_input("wait for display...")
Loop Animation
とShow Trail
Today, we’ll introduce another tips for using MoveIt! (Out previous blog about MoveIt can be found at [1],[2],[3]).
We have been asked several times about a way to visualize a planned trajectory path using moveit_commander
before sending to a real robot, specially those who using the system while connecting to the real robot.
And, of course, MoveIt! can do this very easily!
Looking into the sample program nextage_moveit_sample.py
http://wiki.ros.org/rtmros_nextage/Tutorials/Programming_Hiro_NEXTAGE_OPEN_MOVEIT wiki page. First replace
import moveit_msgs.msg plan = rarm.plan() print("visualize plan") display_trajectory = moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory() display_trajectory.trajectory_start = robot.get_current_state() display_trajectory.trajectory.append(plan) display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=10) display_trajectory_publisher.publish(display_trajectory) raw_input("wait for display...")
Add moveit_ros_visualization
in the Display
tab in rviz
and add check to the Loop Animation
and Show Trail
displays animation as follows.
Now, you can run
command without any worries.
We held ROS Workshop at Sagamihara ROBOT SUPPORT CENTER (SIC) and Okada-Lab at Tamagawa University on 16th, 30th Jan, and 6th Feb.
SIC is an industrial training facility in the city of Sagamihara in Kanagawa prefecture, where global and local businesses are located in electronics and heavy industry. The center aims to assist the local economy by providing training and support for the robotics technologies.
We, TORK, have been holding technical workshop for opensource robotics for several dozen times at different levels (this, this, this, and this to name a few). This time we worked with SIC to give a series of dedicated workshop for the engineers and managers from the local tech companies.
The contents consists of following three parts. We also would like to thank to students from Okada-Lab@Tamagawa University for their assistance.
NEXTAGE Open (Hironx) を利用されているユーザ様事例を紹介します.
ROS をサポートしている NEXTAGE Open (カワダロボティクス社) は海外ユーザにも好評です.最近の大学ランキングでは京大,東大よりも上位で評価されている Nanyang Technological University (NTU) もその一つ.
NEXTAGE Open を使ってティーチングシステムの研究をされています.
TORK は NEXTAGE Open のオープンソース・ソフトウェアに関するサービスを行っております.
Let’s look at another usecase of NEXTAGE Open (Hironx), this time from Singapore.
ROS-capable dual-arm robot NEXTAGE Open (Kawada Robotics) has got a momentum over the world and south-east Asia isn’t an exception. At Nanyang Technological University (NTU), one of the most prominent research institutes, researchers are working on teaching system.
TORK has been providing software solution for NEXTAGE Open.
NEXTAGE Open (Hironx) を利用されているユーザ様事例を紹介します.
玉川大学岡田浩之研究室様のロボットは,頭部のカメラを Asus 社の Xtion PRO LIVE (RGB-Dセンサ) に換装しポイントクラウド処理を実現されています.このための launch ファイルも公開済み.カメラを覆う頭部のカバーは NEXTAGE Open / Hironx の Xtion ユーザ向けに私達 TORK が製作・販売しています.
NEXTAGE Open で実世界認識処理に興味をお持ちの方は是非お試し下さい.
Another usecase of NEXTAGE Open (Hironx) is up!
Hironx at Hiroyuki Okada’s lab at Tamagawa University in Japan exchanged her/his head with the custom cover that is tailor-made for Asus’ Xtion PRO LIVE (RGB-D sensor) for point cloud application. ROS launch file configured for Hironx robot is opensourced as well.
Enjoy the real world perception application with NEXTAGE Open / Hironx, and if you’re interested in this custom head mount where Xtion camera nicely resides in, please contact us.
(頭部の中に組み込まれているのが RGB-D センサ,その上に付いているのはマイクです.マイクは岡田研究室の特別仕様品)
# RGB-D sensor is embedded inside of the head-mount and a custom microphone sits on its top.
Following mid November’s winery tradition is not just a human’s thing – Robots do too!
At “Shared Office KOTO-BA” where our headquater is located, Beaujolais Nouveau Party has been annually held, and this year we made an introductory appearance together with Softbank’s Pepper Robot.
Pepper can be operated via ROS, same as NEXTAGE Open, Baxter and numerous other robots.
Atelier Aldebaran Akihabara kindly offered the robot, which is located in walking distance from our office. Many thanks to Mr Kawada from SoftBank Inc.
The picture below is how the robot saw the party (taken from a visualizer software RViz. Apparently the robot’s sight was much distorted — that’s what a party is!
ソフトバンク ロボティクス株式会社 河田様,ご協力ありがとうございました!
2015年8月8日,おかげさまで TORK は設立2年を迎えることができました.これからも,お客様のご要望に応え,産業・学術界でのオープンソースロボティクスの進展に寄与できるよう,より一層努力して参ります.
設立以来実施してきた事業の一つである NEXTAGE OPEN ロボットの ROS 版オープンソースソフトウェアのインストールサービスも,順調にサービスをご提供してきております.製造元である川田工業様・カワダロボティクス様をはじめ,NEXTAGE OEPN / Hironx のオープンソース環境の維持と発展にご協力頂いている方々に感謝します.
ROS が使える双腕協働ロボット NEXTAGE OPEN の今後も引き続きよろしくお願いいたします.
(写真は第四回 ROS 勉強会より.実機の要らないシミュレーションを提供していることもあり,勉強会参加者等こういったロボットプログラミング,ROS 等に興味をお持ちの方にも気軽に使って頂けるようになっています)
PS4Eye Stereo カメラの ROS パッケージのリリースをお手伝いしました! といっても私達はほとんど何もしていません...
TORK (東京オープンソースロボティクス協会)
Baxterセミナーの名称をROS セミナー基礎編・産業用双腕 Baxterとして,本日も日本バイナリ株式会社様のオフィスをお借りしてをセミナーを開催しました.
We worked with HAKUTO project, a Google Lunar XPRIZE contender from Japan, and helped their robots to thrust on the moon’s surface, virtually.
From its wiki page, you can try using ROS/Gazebo simulator of their robot.
月面着陸するミッションに挑戦する Google XPrize で日本から唯一参加する HAKUTO のロボットの ROS/Gazebo シミュレータを開発しました.
是非 wiki ページ からダウンロードしてみてください.
nextage_ros_bridge 0.6.1 をリリースしました!
NEXTAGE OPENサポートに入られていてアップデートに興味の有る方は是非ご連絡ください.
TORK will be mentoring a student for Google Summer of Code 2015 organized by OSRF (Opensource Robotics Foundation), once a student is assigned to our project.
Please see project description at OSRF web site for more information. Discussion about our project happens here.
OSRF (Opensource Robotics Foundation) が実施する Google Summer of Code 2015 のメンターを引き受けることになりました.
柔軟物操作,データ指向ロボティクスの研究で活躍されている信州大学山崎研究室でNEXTAGE OPENのミニチュートリアルを開きました.学生さんの熱心な質問攻撃にタジタジ.今後もぜひNEXTAGE OPENを活用して素晴らしい研究成果を挙げてくださることを期待します.